If you're concerned that your child might be tempted to spend much of the summer lazing around the house, it's time to find something for him or her to do — and the answer can come in the form of music summer camp. Whether your child has no experience with an instrument or has been playing for years, you can find a summer camp that suits his or her level and allows the child to expand on his or her repertoire of skills throughout the duration of the camp.
If you are a beginning guitarist, you're probably excited about learning all of the right chords and strumming techniques. You may also be looking forward to playing your first live show or recording your own music in the future. But you may not be thinking about repetitive stress injuries as you begin your guitar playing journey. However, repetitive stress injuries are something every new guitarist should be aware of. Learning ways to help prevent them can save you a lot of pain.
When you begin to show interest in playing the guitar, you might end up with a hand-me-down model from a parent or other family member. Once you've played a bit on this old instrument and know that you want to pursue this hobby, it's time to save up some money and buy your first guitar. The route you take to buy your first guitar can vary greatly depending on what genre of music you enjoy playing.
If you are purchasing your first violin to learn on, you may be overwhelmed by the number of choices and the wide variety in price currently available. Generally, a student violin is less expensive than a professional violin. However, it is still important that it produces a quality sound in order to learn on it and to keep your motivation to continue playing. You may be surprised by how inexpensive a decent student violin can be.
Do you have dogs in the home that suffer from anxiety? If so, have you ever tried playing soothing music during the times that the anxiety seems to be at its worst? I had a dog that would literally dig his way through walls when he couldn't see any of the family around. After reading some articles about the calming effects of music on a dog, I began leaving a radio on in my bedroom with him when I had to go to work. It did the trick. Continue reading what I have included here on my blog to learn more about the effects of music on your dog.