The next time you have an Irish wedding, or celebrate St. Patrick's Day, be sure you go all in, or you may be accused of "not doing this right." That includes Irish food, Irish ale, and of course, famous Irish folk songs with Irish folk dancing. Here are five celebrated Irish folk songs you cannot do without and why.
1. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Perhaps the one song most synonymous with being Irish, this one is especially nice to sing along to at an Irish wedding because it reminds guests that the Irish bride and/or Irish groom are so happy that their "Irish eyes are smiling." It also works at a party when everyone has had a pint or two of ale.
2. The Kerry Dance
This lighthearted dance tune is a good one to play as guests arrive or to get people on their feet for a little festive dancing. It is a little faster than "Irish Eyes," but a little slower in tempo than "Molly Malone." You can play it with or without the lyrics, depending on which CD or digital download you purchase.
3. Molly Malone
This endearing Irish folk song tells a tale of a young lass trying to sell wares on the streets of an Irish seaside town. It is a very lively tune, perfect for a little Irish jig. If you play this one at your next Irish gathering, be sure to play it somewhere in the middle of the evening when everyone has loosened up a bit and is willing to sing along. (If you can find the instructions, there is also an old traditional dance to go with it, although slower, Irish step-dancing works fine too.)
4. Who Threw the Overalls in Mistress Murphy's Chowder
For a good rousing bit of laughter at the Irish humor in this song, play it just before a meal is served, or just a little bit after when everyone is looking a little sleepy and you want to rouse them up again. It is a great song to sing along to, but you can dance to it as well.
5. Oh Danny Boy
This very sorrowful but loving tribute to a fallen Irishman is often saved for Irish funerals, but it also clears the crowd out of your house at the end of your St. Patty's Day celebration. It has a tendency to make people tearful just singing it, but it also renews a sense of Irish pride too. It effectively signals to guests that your party is over.
Do you have dogs in the home that suffer from anxiety? If so, have you ever tried playing soothing music during the times that the anxiety seems to be at its worst? I had a dog that would literally dig his way through walls when he couldn't see any of the family around. After reading some articles about the calming effects of music on a dog, I began leaving a radio on in my bedroom with him when I had to go to work. It did the trick. Continue reading what I have included here on my blog to learn more about the effects of music on your dog.